For the past several years I have been traveling to Bangkok. This year I went for two weeks in May. I carried a digital camera with me, but I’m not a tourist-picture taker. Can’t be bothered. Of course, I then forget everything I did, or how I looked at the time, but still can’t be bothered.
This year, I found myself intrigued by signs. Written in Thai script, which I can’t read to save me, they have a pure graphic appeal. Then I started photographing surfaces and other elements in the landscape that attracted me because of their texture, color, or uniqueness. I constructed a series of abstract electronic collages on my laptop using the photos.
I find it hard to admit that this body of artwork has been partially inspired by Starbucks.I love the giant collage-like wallscapes that decorate almost every one of their bazillion stores. Yes, Starbucks is
but I can’t help myself. Besides I love chai tea lattes. Sorry.
One day we visited the Royal Palace and the adjoining temple. Our tour guide, seeing me with camera in hand, would point out choice views to snap. Instead, I was photographing
the exit signs spray-painted on a corrugated metal wall. My friends politely explained to the tour guide that I was an artist, a designer.
This is one of several collages that I created in Photoshop on my Mac laptop and the photos that were incorporated in this piece.
Design by Phil Porter © 2005. All rights reserved.